Geneva Manual recommends Glog.AI

We are proud that Geneva Manual recommends Glog.AI as result of Geneva Dialogue.

The Geneva Manual is a comprehensive guide on non-state actors’ contributions to the implementation of cyber norms. Cyber norms are rules and principles that states have agreed to follow to ensure the security and stability of cyberspace. However, states are not the only actors that have a role and responsibility in cyberspace. Non-state actors, such as the private sector, academia, civil society, and the technical community, also own, operate, and use the ICT infrastructure and digital products that underpin cyberspace. Therefore, they need to cooperate with states and support the implementation of cyber norms. The Geneva Manual provides practical suggestions and examples of how non-state actors can do so, based on the principle of ‘shared responsibility’. The Geneva Manual was launched on December 7th, 2021, as part of the Geneva Dialogue, an initiative by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and led by DiploFoundation, with support of the Republic and State of Geneva, C4DT, Swisscom and UBS.

Direct link to Geneva Manual.


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